Tuesday, April 3, 2012

     I remember when I visited Suriname and met the man that gave me the story for this play. His captors called him Ceasar, but his name was Oroonoko. When I met this man, he told me the story of his love. Oroonoko told me that he used to be a prince, and he fell in love while he was a prince. Little did he know, at the time, a king was also in love with Oroonoko's love, so Oroonoko and his love tried to run off together, but they were captured and sold into slavery. This is the first play that I wrote that was a biography, and I got many positive reviews from this one.

Todd, Janet. "Aphra Behn, Oroonoko."Faculty.Goucher.edu. Cambridge University Press, 1996. Web. 3 Apr 2012. <http://faculty.goucher.edu/eng211/aphra_behn_oroonoko.htm>.

Behn, Aphra. Oroonoko: Or, The Royal Slave. A True History. . 1st. London: 1688. Print.


  1. This seems a molto interessante story, the content is certainly original. Complimenti for being the creator of such a story that has grown to be so successful!

  2. Oh thank you very much Luigi! I am glad that you are a man that is capable of finding beauty in a woman's work.
