Friday, April 20, 2012

Similarities, Differences, or Judgments Anyone?
I have shared a fair amount of information about myself for everyone to see. Now I want to know what you think of it.


  1. You are by far one of the most interesting women I have seen. It must have been very exciting, but yet scary at times, to be a spy for the King! I very much admire that! I was also close with my royalty, which is always a plus. I see you have enjoyed that privilege.

  2. Similarities: We were both poor during our lifetimes.
    Differences: While you are a female writer, I am a male composer.
    Judgements: You provided good information in your interview and your artifacts help to describe you well.

  3. Thank you Pierre for that very pleasant compliment, and you are absolutely correct about the excitement and fears that came with the job of being a spy for the king.

  4. My dear signorina Behn, what a remarkable life you have lead! A spy for a monarch! not many people can say they have experienced such a thing as that, I know I certainly have not! In some cases we are much the same, signorina, we both showed determination and passion in our work, and we both had top face controversial opinions of our pieces.
    Aspects of us that do vary, are your many adventures and the opinions of maschi dislike of your line of work.
    You appear to me a very interesting women, who knows her own mind and has clear vision of what she wants to do in life, and what her passioni are!

  5. Ciao! It's so nice reading things about fellow people that lived during the enlightment area likemyself. Our difference is that you are a writer and I am a dancer. I have to compliment you on your blog profile because it is very creative and well organized! I hope we can meet in person sometime soon so we can find out more about one another! Well addio per ora!!!

  6. Though I am a woman and a writer, I do believe it is a bit ridiculous that you hate women doing typical things such as "housework and caring for children." Who is to care for the children then? Surely you don't think that they are born ready to care for themselves? We both lacked money in our lives but it did not stop us from being exceptional artists. You must tell me sometime of your works as a spy for the king!

    1. Anne, I think I have made myself unclear: by no means did I think it was wrong for all women to drop all of their housework and caring for children to pursue a career, I just meant that women should not neglect their arts and passions just to submerge themselves into being a constant housewife. Women need time to themselves too! And yes, I will tell you of my adventures in espionage sometime.
