Friday, April 6, 2012

A perfect example of everything that I am against. A woman here is depicted preparing for supper and handling the house work that is mainly a woman's work, while the man is no where in sight. I would not consider myself a feminist, but I am a thorough supporter of women standing out against ideas that men generally have about women, which is the exact opposite message that this picture is sending. This has to be my least favorite painting of all time.

Bois, Danuta. "Aphra Behn." Distinguished women. Web, 1999. Web. 1 Mar 2012.
WriteWork contributors. "Role of women and children (1600-1900)", 31 May, 2006. Web. 06 Apr. 2012.


  1. Wow. What would you like to see women doing more of? I myself have stood out by being a woman writer but i'm still a firm believer in all the ideals of the catholic church.

  2. I would llike to see more women setting life goals for themselves and spending at least a portion of their lives chasing there dreams so they could look back on their lives and feel somewhat accomplished, even if they do not completley pursue their dreams, they can live with the satisfaction of doing what they wanted with some of their life instead of just doing what men tell and expect from them when they first begin their lives.
